The election of officers will be held at the March Annual Meeting. Anyone is eligible to serve as an officer. Offices include Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and five Members-at-Large. The Steering Committee generally meets once a month, and is responsible for the smooth operation of the Garden. Members of the Committee are eligible to vote on Garden business.
Serving on the Steering Committee meets the garden service commitment for the year.
The Chair is responsible for the overall progress and maintenance of the SCG Program. The Chair calls and presides over meetings, and delegates tasks to other officers and members as needed.
The Vice-Chair assumes chairperson duties and responsibilities in the absence of the chair.
The Treasurer maintains the SCG financial records, coordinates financial activity between the SCG Program and the City of Saco, and reports SCG financial activity at the request of the Steering Committee.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary takes minutes of meetings, and distributes the minutes for review at the next meeting.
Communications Secretary
The Communications Secretary maintains the SCG membership lists, distributes information to the members, maintains the SCG web site, submits press releases, and distributes promotional literature as directed by the Steering Committee.
The Members-At-Large do not have specific duties but may be assigned specific tasks by the Committee or Chair.
If you are interested in serving, or would like more information, please contact us at