Seasonal Plots
40 plots are designated as seasonal plots.
The Garden season typically runs from April to early November.
The Garden is opened and closed annually on dates
announced by the Garden Steering Committee.
Accessible Plot
Plot #7 is designated as an accessible seasonal plot.
It is a raised bed designed to accommodate gardeners who find it difficult to bend over.
Year-Round Plots
15 plots are designated as year-round plots.
These plots may be held for 12 months and planted with perennials.
Year-round plots are an additional $10 per year.
Year-round plots must be registered by returning renters during the month of January
for renters to retain their plot.
Onsite amenities include:
Individual 10' x 10' plots in quality loam augmented with
MOGFA-certified organic compost.
Garden shed
Shade porch and picnic table
Wheelbarrows and hand tools
Compost bins
Convenient parking
Annual Fee
Seasonal Plot, Saco Resident: $25
Seasonal Plot, Nonresident: $35
Year-Round Plot: add $10 to above
All fees are non-refundable.
In addition, each gardener is required to
spend a total of two hours per year in Garden service.
We have a range of service tasks that are needed
to keep the Garden running smoothly!
Saco Community Garden plot rental registration is opened annually by the Saco Park & Recreation Department according to the following updated schedule:
Returning renters in good standing:
Begins in January
Saco Residents:
Begins in February
Open to all members of the public
Begins in March
Registrations close on May 31
Renters may register for only one plot!
Any waiting list will be prioritized
on a first-come, first-served basis.
When registration is open,
you may use the link below
or register in person at the Saco Community Center,
75 Franklin St. Saco
Please note: In-person registration is also subject to the
above schedule.